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Student Health and Wellness on the Health Sciences & Technology Campus

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Students working and learning on Virginia Tech's Health Sciences and Technology campus in Roanoke have access to a full range of student health services - including general healthcare, urgent care, pharmacies, and emotional wellness - all nearby, and with transportation available in some cases. 

Primary Care Services

In an effort to provide health care services to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students in Virginia Tech programs on the Health Sciences and Technology Campus in Roanoke, the university has contracted Carilion Clinic to provide health care services at Carilion Clinic Community Care located at 1229 Third Street S.W. in Roanoke. Students may access care at both student health service centers.

Carilion Clinic Community Care, 1229 3rd St SW
Carilion Clinic Community Care, 1229 Third St. S.W., Roanoke

Carilion Clinic Community Care

Carilion Clinic Community Care serves medical, graduate, and undergraduate students in Virginia Tech programs based in Roanoke with convenient, high-quality primary care services, including laboratory and MyChart, less than a mile from the HS&T campus. Appointments are available throughout the day on Monday through Friday. *

Carilion Clinic Community Care
1229 Third St. S.W., Roanoke
Student Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Appointments preferred
*Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment

Schiffert Health Center
Schiffert Health Center, McComas Hall, 895 Washington St., Blacksburg

Virginia Tech Schiffert Health Center

With a clinical staff of doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants, the center can administer care for a wide range of medical concerns. Services also include a travel clinic, women's clinic, nutrition clinic, and allergy and immunization clinic as well as a radiology department, laboratory, and pharmacy.

Schiffert Health Center
McComas Hall (0140), 895 Washington Street, Blacksburg
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday
9 a.m. to noon Saturday (urgent care only)

What's the difference?

For more information on service and billing differences between Carilion and Schiffert Health Center, see Frequently Asked Questions.

After Hours and Urgent Care

In the event of a medical emergency or life-threatening condition, call 911. If you If you need non-emergency medical care after hours, consider the following options.


Carilion Clinic’s VelocityCare urgent care facilities offer convenient extended and weekend hours if your primary care location is not an option. No appointment necessary.

Velocity Care by Carilion Clinic
4035 Electric Road, Roanoke
Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily
Find other locations

Velocity Care, Electric Road
Velocity Care, 4035 Electric Rd., Suite A, Roanoke

Roanoke Area Emergency Rooms

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital
1906 Belleview Ave., Roanoke
(Just a few blocks from the Health Sciences and Technology campus)

RMH emergency entrance

Lewis Gale Medical Center
1900 Electric Rd, Salem

lewis gale hospital

Counseling Services

Cook Counseling Center

Virginia Tech's Cook Counseling Center supports students' emotional well-being, both in Blacksburg and at a branch for students in Roanoke at the Health Sciences and Technology campus.

Individual and group services available. See options here.

Psychiatric Services

Cook Counseling Center offers psychiatric services on the HS&T campus each Monday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., including psychiatric evaluations and treatment, medications, and treatment for ADHD. Contact the center in Blacksburg to schedule and appointment.

Cook Counseling Center
220 Gilbert Street, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061

After hours emergency consultations: Call 540-237-6557 and ask to speak to the on-call clinician.


TimelyCare is an around-the-clock virtual extension of existing campus counseling center resources, with a goal of improving student well-being, engagement and retention. The service is available at no cost to students and no need to bill traditional insurance. TimelyCare accomodates more than 250 languages and offers translation services. Students can connect by phone, computer, or tablet, adn can choose phone or video sessions. TimelyCare offers three services for students:

  • TalkNow connects a student with a counselor to address problems before they snowball. It provides students with immediate care when they experience stress or anxiety and need someone to talk to in the moment. 
  • Scheduled counseling allows students to make appointments with counselors licensed in the state where the student is located. There is a limit of 12 scheduled counseling appointments per academic year.
  • Health coaching provides information and guided sessions on well-being topics such as dealing with conflict, time management, exercise, sleep, nutrition, and mindfulness.

Services for Students with Disabilities

We recognize that students with documented disabilities may need accommodations to fully participate and encourage students to disclose with Virginia Tech's Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD) and contact SSD for accommodations support as early as possible.

SSD is responsible for ensuring that all qualified applicants and current students with disabilities receive the accommodations they need. They can also provide guidance on numerous accommodations, answer questions about applying accommodations, and assist students with short-term medical illness or temporary disability (less than 6 months).

Other Student Wellness Resources


HS&T Wellness Calendar

Hokie Wellness

Food Assistance

Wellness Weekly


Gym Access

VTC gym


Room M219, second floor, 2 Riverside Circle

Open by appointment daily to students and employees. Schedule using your Virginia Tech PID at the VT Recreational Sports Portal.

For more information or request access, contact

Carilion fitness center

Carilion Wellness Roanoke (RAC)

4508 Starkey Road, Roanoke

Monday - Thursday, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, 5 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

See information below to learn about membership through Virginai Tech Recreational Sports.

Recreational Sports

Virginia Tech Recreational Sports provides opportunities for students and employees to engage in physical activities to create healthy lifestyle habits. The recreational sports team encourages all Hokies to join the Hokie Movement and find a way to move that works for you.

Virtual Group Exercise

Virginia Tech students and employees can purchase a membership that grants live-stream access to group exercise classes. Schedules and the Virginia Tech Rec Sports app are all available online.

Upcoming Events

Rec Sports offers a wide variety of events. The team welcomes the opportunity to partner to create an event to serve a specific community. Just submit a partnership request form.


Wellness Room

Located in 2 Riverside Circle, Room M216, the wellness room can be used for mindfullness, prayer, medication, lactation, or a moment of peaceful solitude.

The room features:

  • A massage chair
  • A nap pod
wellness room

Comparable services are available at Carilion Clinic Community Care and Schiffert Health Center. However, there are some differences in available services and charges. 

Carilion Clinic Community Care does not have x-ray services on site, though they can arrange any necessary imaging for students. Services will be billed to the student’s insurance carrier and coverage is based on their insurance plan.

Schiffert Health Center does not file or process health insurance. For the convenience of patients, all charges are billed directly to your student account unless you choose to pay at the time of visit by stopping at the cashier’s desk. The clinic accepts cash, check, or Hokie Passport. It does not accept credit cards. Otherwise, items will show on your account as “Medical Charge” without further details.

Any charges that occur at the health center can be submitted to your insurance. You will need to request an itemized statement in writing that will include all coding required for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Below are some examples of commonly requested tests or services (prices are subject to change):

Service/Test Carilion Clinic* Schiffert Health Center
Rapid Flu Test Included in student health fee $20.10
Meningococcal Vaccine Included in student health fee $152
Varicella Vaccine Included in student health fee $55
Physical Included in student health fee $40
Flu Vaccine $20 $24
Chest X-ray 2 view NA $42

*Cost will vary based on medication coverage plan provided through your insurance carrier.

Carilion Clinic Community Care can provide students with necessary documentation to fill prescriptions at their chosen pharmacy. The Carilion Clinic Pharmacy is located  in 3 Riverside Circle on the Roanoke Campus, but students may elect to choose their own pharmacy. Medication charges will be billed to the student’s insurance provider and coverage is based on the insurance plan.

The pharmacy at Schiffert Health Center provides students who have paid the student health fee with prescribed medications. The pharmacy fills basic medications from the Schiffert Health Center drug list. In addition, birth control and contraception are available for purchase. Over-the-counter drugs are ordered through our self-care cold clinic as a convenience to our students. Medication charges will be billed to the student’s account or student’s can pay on-the-day of service.

Domestic students

Domestic students at Virginia Tech are not required to be insured. However, the Graduate School strongly encourages all graduate students to be insured.

International Students

International students are required to purchase medical insurance for the duration of their time at Virginia Tech.

Medical Students

Acceptable medical insurance is mandatory for all Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine students. It must be documented at matriculation, and then annually with the Office of Enrollment Management. If you already have a health insurance plan in effect through your family’s major medical policy or private insurance agency, you will be able to keep it. When determining the acceptability of coverage, the American Association of Medical Colleges recommendation for minimal coverage is used as a guide. It is recommended that students get annual benefit coverage of at least $100,000.00. Coverage must include the entire academic year, including breaks, regardless of the student’s terms of enrollment. The policy must provide continuous coverage for the entire period the insured is enrolled as an eligible student.

All students are eligible to participate in the Virginia Tech Aetna Student Health Plan.

Virginia Tech students have a range of options for health insurance, from their own plan or a parent's plan to the federal insurance marketplace to Medicaid.

Virginia Tech Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan

All students are eligible to participate in the Virginia Tech Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.  

Do you have a graduate assistantship? If you have an assistantship of at least 10 hours per week (50%) between August 10 and May 9, you are eligible for a subsidy on the premium of the university-sponsored plan.

Parent's Health Insurance Plan

If a parent’s health insurance plan covers dependents, you typically can be added to that plan and stay on it until you turn 26. 

Generally, you can join a parent’s plan and stay on until you turn 26 even if you:

  • Get married
  • Have or adopt a child
  • Start or leave school
  • Live in or out of your parent’s home
  • Aren’t claimed as a tax dependent
  • Turn down an offer of job-based coverage

If you’re covered by a parent’s job-based plan, your coverage usually ends when you turn 26, but check with the employer or insurer. Some states and plans have different rules.

If you’re on a parent’s Marketplace plan, you can remain covered through December 31 of the year you turn 26 (or the age permitted in your state).

Federal Health Insurance Marketplace

Student health plans and other options are available through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Virginia Medicaid

Some students may be eligible for Medicaid coverage as Virginia residents. 

  • Learn more online:
  • Call 855-242-8282 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Text COVERAGE to 268782 to sign up for updates.